It may be small, but this lobster is making this octopus crazy!
The Lobster has grabbed a hold of the octopus’s eyes, and the octopus is not having it! Experience the disorientating shake and wiggle as the octopus tries to throw this lobster off. You’ll fly high, low and tilt from side-to-side as the lobster attempts to hang on.
If you think the lobster is holding on tight, just wait – you will be too! You’ll love this classic, wild ride that’s fun for the whole family.
Fun Facts about The Lobster
- The Lobster’s industry name is Monster.
- The Lobster was named the East River Crawler from 1991 to 2016. In 2017, it was moved from Yankee Harbor to Hometown Square and given its original name back.
- Riders spin in 25 cars up, down, and all around.
- This ride was manufactured by Anton Schwarzkopf of Germany.
- Each tentacle has five cars attached which can fit 2-3 passengers.