Find the Dare Devil Inside Yourself!
The words “dare devil” get thrown around a lot when you’re at a world class theme park, but what do they really mean? The dictionary says thrill-seeker, adventurer, and swashbuckler. You’re about to find out what it’s like to be a daredevil on this steel adventure that will take you past vertical to some completely unexplored territory.
Part of an elite class of roller coaster known as a “Euro-Fighter,” this extreme zoom-fest throws down the ultimate challenge right off the bat. You are taken up a 95-foot tall lift hill—but it isn’t really a hill, because this lift is straight up. In fact, most folks would call that a tower. Then you round the top of the spike and free fall straight down, curling back under the lift for a drop that is actually more than 90 degrees.
You’re just getting started on a full-bodied adventure around the rails. Next you’ll soar into an inverting twist which delivers you to a monstrous dive loop, which you’ll take like a pro. You’re really earning that title of dare devil on this smooth-riding snake of a course that serves a series of high banking turns and twists, for a mind-warping total of three inversions.
This attraction is presented by Twix®.