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WONDER WOMAN Flight School

Ride Info

36" with adult, 44" to ride alone
DC Super Friends

WONDER WOMAN may be a superhero, but she can’t do it alone! So get ready to sign up for the most intense and fun flying lesson of your life at WONDER WOMAN Flight School! The young and fun at heart will love going to class at this school, as they get to fly their very own floating spinner that any member of the family can fly! This new attraction features eight individual flying cars, each with a stationary rear wing and a moveable front wing. You’ll be the pilot and control your own riding destiny as you pump up the thrill for a more intense flight or simply sit back, take it easy and enjoy the ride.

There’s room for a friend to tag along too, and together you’ll soar to new heights and be the valedictorian of your class during this flight school! You’ll rise into the air and start to spin around the center. This breezy ride might be thrilling enough, but wild pilots can change this flight path with their own hands. Take control of the front wing of your flyer. By giving it a push or a pull you can fly high or low, faster or slower, even make crazy dips and rises! Depending on the wind and your skill as a pilot, you can guide your flyer to swoop and sway at up to 40 miles per hour. Because you’re in charge, no two flights are ever alike. Sign up for WONDER WOMAN Flight School and join her in the skies today!

Ride Info

36" with adult, 44" to ride alone
DC Super Friends

By the Numbers



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